Behzad Ferdows Foundation

Why I support an Orphanage

SupportSeveral years ago, I decided I needed to “give back” to society but the biggest dilemma I had was how.  There’s clearly too much suffering in the world and too many great causes where one can choose from.  I decided on sponsoring an orphanage and by doing so dedicating the majority of my attention to working with a particular orphanage where I can help these particular children directly.

By taking this approach I am able to play a more hands on role with the Orphanage.  Look after specific needs they require, help out with bureaucratic tape, and even assist with adoption process where I can.  I also get the opportunity to learn more about the children in the orphanage and watch them from a distance.  I learn who they are and how they became orphaned.  I listen to their stories.

As a father, its difficult to imagine what these children go through and the physiological pressures they face everyday wondering what fate has in store for them.  My direct involvement provides an opportunity for me to take a more hands on role in helping these children become good adults.  I enjoy volunteering my time when I can.  Being with these children gives me great satisfaction and provides a heart-warming feeling to know that I’m doing good work for a good cause in protecting the most vulnerable of children. Knowing that I am providing them with a safe and healthy living environment to buying them books for education and giving them access to good health care, is a small way for me to give back to my community and society in general.

I continue to also donate to other orphanages in Europe and the Middle East as well. There are many charities around the world doing great work and they need support. From financial donations to donating books or volunteering your time.  Orphaned children deserve a chance to succeed to become confident adults. We must all lower the barrier of entry into society for these children and without all our help it becomes much harder.

Behzad Daniel Ferdows
Geneva, Switzerland